WRHS Chorus
WRHS Choirs on the Ranch invite you to the first annual Choir Day! Here are the event details:
Tues, July 30th from 10:00AM-2:00PM
- This event is open to current chorus, future chorus, and potential chorus members! bring a friend!
- Pre-School Program Orientation, Details, & Info!
- Meet, Greet, & Hang: see old friends and meet new chorus fam!
- Learn about chorus: hear from current chorus members, learn about what we do, rehearse some music with us, and more!
- Pizza, snacks, & More!!
Please RSVP by Fri, July 26th at tinyurl.com/choirday2024
Questions? Contact Mr. Beckwith at bbeckwit@pasco.k12.fl.us 🎉
photo by Wiregrass Ranch Stampede @wrhsstampede