For all updates regarding school closures during the storm, please see our weather page.


WRHS Chorus

WRHS Choirs on the Ranch invite you to the first annual Choir Day! Here are the event details:
  • Tues, July 30th from 10:00AM-2:00PM
  • This event is open to current chorus, future chorus, and potential chorus members! bring a friend!
  • Pre-School Program Orientation, Details, & Info!
  • Meet, Greet, & Hang: see old friends and meet new chorus fam!
  • Learn about chorus: hear from current chorus members, learn about what we do, rehearse some music with us, and more!
  • Pizza, snacks, & More!!
  • Please RSVP by Fri, July 26th at 
  • Questions? Contact Mr. Beckwith at 🎉

photo by Wiregrass Ranch Stampede @wrhsstampede