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Wiregrass Ranch High School Bulls Pride Program

Bulls Pride Appeals Form

Online Appeals Form

Program Related Documents

Bulls PRIDE Letter

Ms. Packard

Assistant Principal

For additional information, please contact Ms. Packard or call 813-346-6000



Appeals Information 

Please see Ms. Packard or your grade level administrator if you need assistance with the appeals process. Online Bulls Pride Appeals Form

Are You On Track?

  1. GPA: 2.0 cumulative unweighted
  2. Credits: no missing credits
  3. Discipline: no level 2 or 3 referrals
  4. Attendance: 5 or less unexcused absences in a 9 weeks

Students who are “On Track” in all of the four categories will earn a Bulls PRIDE wrist band. Students with Bulls PRIDE wrist bands will have access to privileges on campus:

  • Attend field trips and extracurricular activities
  • Free snack coupon
  • Free entry to designated sporting events and other after school activities
  • The opportunity to win:
    • Free yearbook
    • Free homecoming tickets
    • Free prom tickets
    • WRHS spirit wear
    • And more!

Bulls PRIDE “On Track” wrist bands will be issued once per quarter. Lost wrist bands will not be replaced until the following quarter if the student maintains “On Track” status.

Not “On Track”? Earn it back!

Students can earn back “On Track” status in the following ways:

GPA: earn no Ds or Fs on the previous quarter’s report card

Credits: upon successful recovery of missing credits

Discipline: determined by administration through referral appeal process or Bulls Pride appeal process

Attendance: Students can make up time missed in tutoring, after-school detention and Saturday Detention

Students wishing to earn back their “On Track” status must complete the appeal form located
on the school website.

When will privileges be revoked?


  • Student receives a level 2 or 3 referral
  • Allows another student to use their wrist band
  • Abuses or fails to follow directions or policies associated with “On Track” privileges

Each  9 weeks

  • More then 5 Unexcused absences in a 9 weeks in any class period

At the Semester

  • Student GPA falls below a 2.0
  • Falls behind in credits

Students who are not “On Track” will not be able to purchase a parking pass or participate in extracurricular activities including field trips and school dances.