Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

WRHS Students Against Destructive Decisions

Click Here to be directed to the WRHS SADD CLUB Website



Great Video: Helpful Resources for online resources created by our SADD club to help students study!

Click here to Enjoy a SADD CLUB VIDEO

See below a Teen Dating Violence Video created by our SADD Club.


Greg Finkel

SADD Sponsor

Wiregrass Ranch High School



Join the 2023 SADD Club

SADD is an inclusive organization, welcoming all youth who seek support for healthy and safe development. 


What Does SADD Believe In?

We believe young people’s health and safety is improved through positive peer-to-peer interactions, healthy relationships with family and caring adults, and collaboration and alliance with other entities that also support youth. We also promote broad understanding of the risks facing youth such as drunk driving, drugs, suicide, depression and the importance of reinforcing protective factors. 

What do we do as a Club?

We participate in several events that occur in the school and within the Tampa Bay area. These events teach our members valuable lessons while also giving them community service hours as they provide valuable services to our community. 

Events include:

Feeding Tampa Bay

Cleaning Pasco County

Metropolitan Ministries

Teacher Appreciation Week Luncheon

Toys for Tots

Flag Football Scholarship Tournament

Red Ribbon and Battle of the Belts Weeks