Boys Basketball will have an informational meeting Wednesday September 5th from 245-315 in room 4-158. The coaching staff will discuss the conditioning program, tryout information and program expectations. Any prospective player needs to attend. Also please make sure all prospective players and their parents get all required paperwork done to participate in any basketball activities. These forms can be found on the pasco county athletic page. If the prospective player can not attend the meeting, pleas have them see coach Calzone or Coach Rogers in boys PE for all the important information. Lastly, the tryout dates are listed below for your scheduling purposes:
October 28th
Varsity – 615-730am and 245-4pm
JV – 3:15-445pm
October 29th
Varsity – 6:15 – 730am and 5pm-7pm (Varsity Team will be selected after practice)
October 30th
Varsity first practice
JV – Final tryout – 3:15-445pm (Team will be selected after tryout)