Corporate & Community Sponsorships
Sponsorship Levels
White Sponsor
- Logo/Name listed on the WRHS Banner that is displayed throughout the school year at band events
- General Admission ticket to home competition (x1)
- Logo/Name promoted on WRHS Bands Social Media Pages (1/yr)
- Logo/Name listed on the WRHS Bands Sponsorship Page on the website
Black Sponsor
- Logo/Name listed on the WRHS Banner that is displayed throughout the school year at all band events
- General Admission Tickets to the home competition (x2)
- Logo/Name promoted on WRHS Bands Social Media Pages (2/yr)
- Logo/Name listed on the WRHS Bands Sponsorship Page on the website
Gold Sponsor
- Logo/Name listed on the WRHS Banner that is displayed throughout the school year at band events including the home competition
- Booth Space with power at home competition day
- General Admission Tickets to the WRHS home competition (x4)
- Logo/Name promoted on WRHS Bands Social Media Pages (4/yr)
- Logo/Name listed on the WRHS Bands Sponsorship Page on the website
Platinum Sponsor
- Logo/Name listed on the WRHS Banner that is displayed throughout the school year at all band events including the home marching competition.
- Name Announced and thanked at WRHS home competition
- Booth Space with power at WRHS home competition
- General Admission Tickets to the WRHS home competition (x6)
- Logo/Name promoted on WRHS Bands social media pages (6/yr)
- Logo/Name listed on the WRHS Bands sponsorship page on the website