Marching Bulls Instructional Staff
Music: Rich Wohl
Visual: Jen Miles, Reece Taylor, Steven Shafer, Branden Anglin, Jensen Hackett
Percussion: Emilio Lopez, Zackary Smith
Color Guard: Gracie McNease, Catherine Mudge
Electronics: Jordan Bean, Brandon Serrata
Design: Josh Hobbs (Winds Arranger), Patrick Duncan (Drill), Branden Anglin, Paul Sauberer
Private Lessons Instructors
We strongly encourage our students to take private lessons for the most rewarding musical experience. Lessons are not for remediation, but for students who are ready to excel at their own pace. Please contact the instructors below directly, they are some of the most gifted and talented teachers I know and care for our students as their own.
Mrs. Maryem Bendaoud, Flute – mbendaoud92@gmail.com
Mrs. Mariah Walukonis, Clarinet – mcmcdona@pasco.k12.fl.us
Mr. Maurizio Venturini, Bassoon – mventurini@ut.edu
Mr. Reed Stricsek, Saxophone – reedstricsek@gmail.com
Mr. William Luckett, Trumpet – wluckett@pasco.k12.fl.us
Mr. Ben Walukonis, Horn – bwalukon@pasco.k12.fl.us
Mr. Rich Wohl, Low Brass – tubatechnique@yahoo.com